[mou] Gyr Sat. in WI

Sharon Stiteler sharonks@mn.rr.com
Mon, 09 Feb 2004 11:14:22 -0600

Snowys have feathers that go down their legs and feet, a leg band would be
covered and few observers would be able to tell if it was banded let alone
what the band reads.  A discreet marker isn't going to cut it.

I'm much more excited to see a banded bird.  Since this bird has been
reported, I've been searching the internet to see if I can find where the
bird has originated from. It adds a new level to birding, a person can help
track where it has been and help participate in the research.  There is so
much that we don't know about seasonal movement of birds (even birds we can
take for granted like cedar waxwings) there much more to learn.

Personally, I'm excited that someone out there is working to conserve a bird
species I really enjoy.  I don't mind the dyed feathers, there's not a
naturally colored hair on my head either.

Sharon Stiteler
Uptown, Minneapolis

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