[mou] Birding at birdfeeders--a solution?

shconrad@2z.net shconrad@2z.net
Wed, 11 Feb 2004 21:00:24 -0600

Many times when I'm out birding, I see a frenzy of birds at someone's feeder 
and I would love to take a look, but I don't want to upset anyone by staring at 
their yard through binoculars.  

So I had a thought--what if there was some way to know that the owner of the 
feeder was OK with you checking out their birds?

Does anyone out there think it would be practical to put some kind of sign on 
or near their feeders that says "Birders welcome" or some kind of symbol?  I 
think if birding organizations came up with something standardized and got 
their members to display them, eventually it would catch on with some of the 
non-birding public.  Maybe some organization somewhere is already doing 
something like this...

Just one of my harebrained ideas =)

Shawn Conrad
Itasca County

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