[mou] Response to Bob Russell's Query: "Anyone check the Miss. R. marsh south of Lacrescent?"

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Wed, 18 Feb 2004 06:56:25 -0800 (PST)

To all: Yes I have and no there have been no King
Rails since the 70's.

But I am one of those aging (former) BBSurveyers who
can't hear the "bup-bup" of a King Rail over a tractor
trailer and a train at 5000 feet and suspects anyone
who can!

I also participated in shorebird surveys further south
of the LaCrescent marsh in Pool 8 in the summers of
2001 & 2002. While these were not rail surveys we were
in possible rail habitat but recorded no rails.

Population nomenclature ("Accidental", "Rare", etc)
needs to be discussed by birders and MORC. A MORC
panel discussion at the winter meeting would be a
possible forum, and a relief from a succession of
speakers and slides in a darkened auditorium. 

Fred Lesher, LaCrosse, Wis.

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