[mou] White-throats in Mpls

Ann and Manley Olson a_molson@unidi.cbs.umn.edu
Fri, 20 Feb 2004 09:47:19 -0600

For many years there have been wintering White-throats in downtown 
Minneapolis,usually near the Government Center.Since I retired in 2001, 
I have not been there very much.Yesterday I saw 2 White-throats(there 
may have been more) on the South side of the center with a group of 
House Sparrows. Also this week saw a Robin on the St Paul campus of the 
U of Minn. a Coopers Hawk in Falcon Hts park,a  Pileated at Roselawn 
Cemetary and a Mourning Dove and Red-breasted Nuthatch  showed up at our 
feeder for the first time in a month. Great Horned Owls are hooting near 
the campus  and near Cleveland and Roselawn in Roseville.  Manley Olson