[mou] Marshbird Survey Protocols/volunteer

Michelle_McDowell@fws.gov Michelle_McDowell@fws.gov
Fri, 20 Feb 2004 11:33:44 -0600

A few folks have been searching for a king rail survey protocol.  The North
American Marshbird Survey Protocol is being used by National Wildlife
Refuges across the country and can be found at the following website:

 If a "King Rail Taskforce" is in the works, I suggest ensuring your data
will add to current research projects and be compatible with databases that
are already in use.

For birders who would like to become citizen scientists I recommend
contacting your nearest National Wildlife Refuge and becoming a volunteer
(http://midwest.fws.gov).  Other agencies/organizations that may have
opportunities to turn your birding talents into data that links to
management decisions and more public awareness include the National Park
Service, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Audubon Minnesota and
The Nature Conservancy to name a few.  Don't be afraid to call them up and
offer your talents.  We all have more field work than people.

If you would like to participate in the marshbird (least bittern, yellow
rail, sora, Virginia rail, and American bittern) survey this summer at Rice
Lake National Wildlife Refuge please contact me.


Michelle McDowell
Wildlife Biologist
Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge
McGregor, MN