[mou] Records Committee at December Meeting

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Sat, 21 Feb 2004 08:02:39 -0800 (PST)

Please everyone, let's have the entire Records
Committee if possible at the December Meeting around a
table on stage discussing a fictitious report. For 30
minutes. Actual questions could be raised about how
the report was written. The MOU audience could
participate. MOU president could preside. Let's have
at least one civil discussion of Records Committee
criteria and language. Let's actually see the
Committee, put faces and speech to names. There is no
end to disagreement, but we can be public and
democratic about how MOU operates.  

Look at the range of posts to both MOU-net & MNBird.
We need to attempt at least to appeal to both the
scientists and the beginning birdwatchers. (I find the
scientist/birdwatcher split oversimplified.)
Reasonable discourse at a public meeting beats hostile
exchanges on the net. "Everyone take a deep breath."

Fred Lesher, LaCrosse, Wisconsin

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