[mou] Spruce Grouse in Lake Co.

Hagsela@aol.com Hagsela@aol.com
Sun, 22 Feb 2004 02:11:33 EST

I found a male Spruce Grouse on Hwy.1, .2 miles west of mile marker 323, near 
Isabella.  He flushed from the road as I drove by, then settled down a few 
feet from the road and allowed me a careful study with my scope. The red combs 
above the eyes were distinctive.  He came back to the road after deciding I was 
of no consequence.  What a beauty!  Time of observation was 3:00 - 3:15.
I also saw Boreal Chickadees at the corner of Spruce Rd. and Endless Waters 
Rd. (off Hwy. 1 in Superior National Forest).  The 1st Boreal Chickadee was 
foraging in a spruce just off the path on Endless Waters.  The others came in to 
a tape and cavorted around for a few minutes before disappearing.
In Two Harbors, I relocated the Harlequin Duck (female) that's been seen by 
others in Agate Bay.

Linda Sparling
Hennepin Cty.