[mou] Bird images needed

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Thu, 26 Feb 2004 12:41:45 -0800

Good photos of certain bird species are needed for publication in the
Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas. At my suggestion this request is being sent
to you. Please help if you can.

Jim Williams

From: "Thomas Schultz" <trschultz@vbe.com>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 09:06:22 -0600
Subject: [wisb] WBBA images needed

We are still in need of photos of a number of species for the forthcoming
Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas book.  We have been given until at least late
June before we need to submit the images to the publisher (while the
manuscript is being finalized), so we will have one
more field season to try to get out and get the photos we need.

Unfortunately, we are unable to monetarily compensate photographers for the
use of their photos -- all of the images are donated --  but your
contribution will be acknowledged in the book.

These are the species for which we are still lacking suitable photographs:

Bell's Vireo
Blue Grosbeak 
Boreal Chickadee
Eared Grebe (we have fair shot of winter-plumaged bird, but would prefer
breeding plumage)
Evening Grosbeak (we have shots of birds at feeders)
Philadelphia Vireo
Western Kingbird 
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Yellow Rail

In addition, there are also some species for which we would love to have
better photos than what we
currently have.  These would include:

Alder Flycatcher
Canada Warbler
Hooded Merganser
Magnolia Warbler
Nashville Warbler
Pileated Woodpecker
Red Crossbill
Red-shouldered Hawk
Warbling Vireo
Wilson's Warbler
Yellow-throated Vireo

Photos that show breeding-related behavior are preferred, but in many cases
that has not been possible, so any good photo of the species would do.
Birds shown in a natural setting are also preferred (not hand-held).  Photos
should be reasonably sharp, with the bird somewhat prominent in
the picture, and slides or high-quality digital images are preferred,
although if we get desperate, good-quality prints or negatives might be
used.  Images selected for the book will be reproduced in full color!

If you are able to help with providing for any of these species, please
contact either of the photo editors listed below.  The editors are also
looking for high-quality photographs of various Wisconsin bird habitats or
vegetative communities, so you are also welcome to submit images of those
subjects for consideration.

Thank you,

Tom Schultz
N6104 Honeysuckle Lane
Green Lake, WI 54941

Dave Kuecherer
726 Harvard Drive
Neenah, WI  54956

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