[mou] Sax-Zim and Grand Marais

Michael Duffy michaelcduffy@earthlink.net
Wed, 2 Jun 2004 23:07:10 -0400

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I made 2 morning trips trips to the bog from Duluth over Memorial Day 
weekend on 5/29 and 5/31.  Thanks to Don Kienholz for the Sax-Zim 
information I was able to find my target birds.
Highlights included -
1 Osprey - Arkola Road / 53
1 male Northern Harrier - Arkola Road
1 Merlin - CR 208
2 Sandhill Cranes - South of Arkola / CR 208
1 Great Gray Owl - McDavitt Road
1 Connecticut Warbler - McDavitt Road with others heard on Owl Avenue
A trip up to Grand Marais via Finland and Cramer on 5/31-6/1 I had 
several mixed flocks of presumed migrants highlighted by 2 Black-billed 
Cuckoos and 10+ spp of warbler but no Philadelphia Vireo or 
Golden-winged warblers in evidence.

Michael Duffy
New York City
michaelcduffy AT earthlink.net
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I made 2 morning trips trips to the bog from Duluth over Memorial Day
weekend on 5/29 and 5/31.  Thanks to Don Kienholz for the Sax-Zim
information I was able to find my target birds.

Highlights included -

1 Osprey - Arkola Road / 53

1 male Northern Harrier - Arkola Road

1 Merlin - CR 208

2 Sandhill Cranes - South of Arkola / CR 208

1 Great Gray Owl - McDavitt Road

1 Connecticut Warbler - McDavitt Road with others heard on Owl Avenue

A trip up to Grand Marais via Finland and Cramer on 5/31-6/1 I had
several mixed flocks of presumed migrants highlighted by 2
Black-billed Cuckoos and 10+ spp of warbler but no Philadelphia Vireo
or Golden-winged warblers in evidence.

<fontfamily><param>Helvetica</param><smaller>Michael Duffy

New York City

michaelcduffy AT earthlink.net</smaller></fontfamily>