[mou] Pine County Yellow Rail

Robert_Russell@fws.gov Robert_Russell@fws.gov
Fri, 4 Jun 2004 09:45:16 -0500

I had one, possibly 2, clicking Yellow Rails at 2025 hours last evening on
the west side of the big sedge marsh along Route 70 (south side of highway)
approximately  (DeLorme pp.49, B6--east of transmission line on map) 2-3
miles west of the St. Croix River west of Grantsburg, WI.  I believe there
was also a distant LeConte's Sparrow and the marsh was crawling with Sedge
Wrens.  There is room to pull off the highway here but it is a busy road so
maybe someone can find a safer spot.  Safety here is an issue--note that
last year one of Illinois' top birders, Bob Chappell (sp.?) was killed by
the side of a highway while scoping out birds and the erratic drivers I saw
on this road last night did not allay my fears.  Always stand well in front
of your car, never behind!  Bob Russell, Dakota County