[mou] Dickcissel's singing in Dakota Co.

Conny Brunell connyb@mycidco.com
Sun, 06 Jun 2004 14:58:21

Today around noon in Dakota Co Leslie Marcus and I saw and heard a minimum of at least a dozen Dickcissel's out in the grassy/weedy fields flying up to the telephone lines, trees, bushes and out on the weeds singing their hearts out!  I have never seen so many in one location at once, and they were actively flying high and low singing for the half an hour we were there.  This one area along CR 72 is a great spot to enjoy Grasshopper, Clay-colored, Field and Savannah Sparrows, as well as Western Meadowlark, Bobolink, and Kingbirds.

It is in Empire, and to get there take US Hwy 52 S, and turn West (R) onto Dakota CR 66 200th St E.
Continue until you reach CR 81 Clayton Ave, and turn South (L).
This will take you to CR 72 210th St E, and turn Right.  
>From here to the Dakota Co Electric Substation is .4 miles, and they were singing in this area on both sides of the road.

Summer is officially here!
Conny Brunell
Richfield, Hennepin Cty