[mou] Yellow-billed cuckoo, Somerset WI

Ann and Manley Olson a_molson@unidial.com
Mon, 07 Jun 2004 18:57:06 -0500

I have found the Yellow-billed to be regular in the metro area but not 
nearly as common as the Black-billed.I have found it to be regular in 
Pierce County and less so in Willow River state park which is just south 
of where you found your bird.
Manley Olson

Karen Schik wrote:

> How uncommon is it to see a YBCU around the metro area?  I saw one 
> yesterday about a mile east and south of Marine on St Croix (yes, in 
> WI).  Very cool!
> Great area to see prothonotaries too - thick along the river backwaters.