[mou] Newfoundland Birding?

Molly Jo Miller johnson-miller@msn.com
Wed, 9 Jun 2004 10:47:16 -0500

Greetings birders,

My family (including two boys) is traveling to Newfoundland at the end of
July and into August.  I was wondering if anyone had helpful hints about
good birding spots, and especially recommendations about birding boat tours?

I'm especially interested in recommendations for boating/birding tours at
the northwest tip by St. Anthony/L'Anse aux Meadows and then over in the
southeast area (Avalon Peninsula) near St. John's--by Witless Bay, St.
Mary's Bay and/or Placentia Bay.  There seem to be many purveyors of these
trips and I was wondering if anyone had good luck with a particular company?

Thank you for any help you can provide.

Molly Jo Miller
Dakota Co.