[mou] 30 breeding bird surveys in 30 days

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Wed, 09 Jun 2004 22:05:16 -0700

This is a note from a man currently in northwestern Minnesota, conducting
Breeding Bird Surveys, on his way to 30 such surveys in 30 days. He is Noel
Cutright, a Milwaukee birder, president of the Wisconsin Society for
Ornithology, and a man dedicated to improving conditions for birds. Please
read his short note on his adventure. Check his web site. Help him if you
can. The cause is important to all of us.

Jim Williams


Last year I decided to put some energy toward combining birding with
fund raising for bird conservation.  For years I've been thinking of
doing a whole month's worth of North American Breeding Bird Surveys
(BBS).  This all came together late last year, and I named my effort
the Quad 30 Campaign.

I am attempting to complete 30 BBS routes during the 30 days of June
to celebrate my more than 30 years of conducting BBSs and in the
process raise $30,000 for bird conservation.  Specifically, the money
will go toward the Important Bird Areas program.  I'm also emphaizing
the importance of long term bird monitoring programs like the BBS
during the Campaign.

I'm now in the middle of the Campaign and have completed 11 surveys,
starting with 2 in OH (the last 2 days of May), then 2 in WI, and 7
so far in MN.  After another week I'll be moving over to Michigan's
UP and also 3 more in WI.

I invite you to take the journey with me and read of my exploits on
my web site that I'm trying to post daily updates.  Please visit

Of course, if you would like to make a pledge, please download the
form and send it to me or simply email me in some fashion at

Thanks - Noel Cutright, currently in northwestern MN