[mou] Henslow's Sparrow/Otter Tail Co.

Dan & Sandy Thimgan thimgan@digitaljam.com
Mon, 14 Jun 2004 20:01:58 -0500

A HENSLOW'S SPARROW is being seen and has apparently set up territory in
Glendalough State Park, Central Otter Tail County.  We had multiple good
views of the bird between 6:30-7:30 p.m., Monday evening, June 14.

Evening is probably best time as the lighting is very good on that side of
the road, however, it is also being seen in the morning.  A scope would be
very helpful.  The song is very subtle
 and the bird is secretive.  We finally found it on our third visit.  Be
Directions: Turn off Cty. Hwy 16 at the park entrance, proceed 1.1 miles
looking for a barricade on your left that says "Employees Only" "Do Not
Enter".  This means your vehicles.  Park your car at the barricade or across
the road, and walk in about .2 miles on the gravel road.  Notice the power
poles to your right, station yourself on the road between  the second and
third poles, looking south (to your left).  There is a sign there that says
"Restored Prairie, 1999".  We saw the bird about 40 yards out in this
prairie, sitting up on bare sprigs.

The bird was first seen several days ago by Carol Brysky, the Campground
Host for Glendalough.  She has been doing a daily bird list and shared this
information with park manager, Jeff Wiersma.

Dan & Sandy Thimgan
Otter Tail Co.
Battle Lake, MN