[mou] Peregrines in the morning

Alt, Mark Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com
Tue, 15 Jun 2004 07:55:38 -0500

I have moved again within the Best Buy HQ in Richfield to where I am =
facing SW from the second floor looking out directly to the Wells Fargo =
building in Bloomington, =BC mile away.  I scan it often for Peregrines, =
a pair has nested there this year. This morning I spotted the pair =
perched on the SE corner of the building, and as I watched, the darker =
bird dropped from its perch and stooped quickly out of site, reappearing =
a minute later and perching on the NW corner of the building, appearing =
to be feeding, but ..............without a scope, it may have been =
preening - hard to tell. It still makes my day to see this at work.  =
Life is good. =20

Mark Alt
Manager of Project Management
Supply Chain Transformation Office
Best Buy Co., Inc.
(w) 612-291-6717
(Cell) 612-803-9085