[mou] Chisago co. phalaropes, etc

Cindy Butler cbutler@lcp2.net
Wed, 16 Jun 2004 07:04:55 -0500

Hi all
Spent a couple of days at my sisters house in northern Chisago County,
north of Rush City. There is a very small wetland in the field near her
house that had Sora, Virginia Rail, Yellow-headed Blackbirds, Marsh Wren
and best of all a Wilson's Phalarope with 2 chicks. I was envious of Conny
when she saw the ones here in Aitkin Co and just thrilled to find them
yesterday near Rush City - they do look like little balls of golden fluff!
The pair of Virginia Rails were on the edge of the road and acting like
they had chicks there too, but when they saw me they went back into the
ditch but kept calling and acting agitated, so I just left them alone. She
also has a pair of Brown Thrashers nesting in the evergreen wind row along
the edge of her yard. So cool.
Cindy Butler
usually in Tamarack, east Aitkin Co.