[mou] Belated Report: Houston Co. Birds Tuesday, June 15

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Sat, 19 Jun 2004 09:00:23 -0700 (PDT)

Cattle Egret-----Hwy. 26 floodplain S. Root R.--3
Bald Eagle-------     "        ---  18(!) 17I,1A
    "     -------Imm. at nest, Brownsville
Red-headed Woodpecker--1 adult--Hillside Rd.,Reno
Cpgd. North Unit---at nest hole
Willow Flycatcher--Klondike Rd./Crooked Creek----1
Ruffed Grouse----Trail 23, Reno Management Unit, Dorer
State Forest access from end of Klondike Rd. (Minimum
Maintenance). This trail is signed and numbered, part
of snowmobile trails.----1 adult and 3 young
Wild Turkey--2--ditto 
Veery---1(H)--  "
Wood Thrush---2(H) "
Black & white Warbler---1  "
Scarlet Tanager---1M------"
Swamp Sparrow---1---Klondike Rd./Crooked Creek marsh
Indigo Bunting--1---Trail 23 as above
Dickcissel----2 ---Hillside Rd.
Orchard Oriole---1---Nelson Valley Rd. (S. off Co. Rd.

I have nominated the site including Klondike Rd. and
the snowmobile/horse trails up the hill behind the DNR
pipe gate including Trails 23 and 31 connecting to
Reno and Freeburg and north to Brownsville as an IBA.
Nelson Valley is a deadend road with minimal
agricuture and houses and a small stream. First left
(south) from Hwy 249 after leaving Hwy 26.

Fred Lesher, LaCrosse, Wis.

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