[mou] Wayward Warblers

Paul and JoAnn Gunderson gunder@usfamily.net
Wed, 23 Jun 2004 16:21:04 -0500

  Greetings Rare Bird Alert:

Tennessee Warbler--singing male
Black-throated Blue Warbler--adult male

We visited the wildlife drive at Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge 
this morning (6/23). The singing male Tennessee Warbler was observed in 
the oak grove by the first observation deck, which is about 1/4 mile or 
so from the entrance to the drive.

The adult male Black-throated Blue Warbler was observed about 1/4 mile 
past the first sharp right turn (to the southwest) in the drive.

We observed an additional 65 species, including 40-50 American White 
Pelicans in pools in the east central part of the drive.

Paul and JoAnn Gunderson
Elk River

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