[mou] Bobwhite

Karen Sussman ksussman@lcp2.net
Tue, 29 Jun 2004 21:07:30 -0500

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I heard a Bobwhite calling at 7 AM this morning from the woods of our 
property.  It was confirmed by my neighbour who also heard it.  I have 
no idea where it came from but I enjoyed it anyway.
The Whip-Poor-Will is alive and calling across the lake.  It has been 
too cold for me to hear it (windows closed) until recently.
I live in Britt/Northeastern St Louis County
Karen Sussman  ksussman@lcp2.net
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<fontfamily><param>Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro</param>I heard a Bobwhite
calling at 7 AM this morning from the woods of our property.  It was
confirmed by my neighbour who also heard it.  I have no idea where it
came from but I enjoyed it anyway.

The Whip-Poor-Will is alive and calling across the lake.  It has been
too cold for me to hear it (windows closed) until recently.

I live in Britt/Northeastern St Louis County</fontfamily>

<fontfamily><param>Times New Roman</param>Karen Sussman 