[mou] Bald Eagle Concentration, LaCrosse-LaCrescent Causeway, Houston Co. MN Hwys 14/16/61

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Tue, 9 Mar 2004 14:04:03 -0800 (PST)

March 9 at 10AM there 180-200 Bald Eagles standing on
ice on the channel south of the Causeway and in the
trees less than 100 yards from the highway. This
number of birds was less than a quarter mile one end
of the group to the other. Bystanders at 10AM claimed
"twice as many" at 8AM. By 10:15 some of the birds
began to rise in thermals, in a loose "kettle' of 75
birds. As the river opens, the eagles will soon
disperse. Pool 8 south of LaCrescent is opening but
there are no large numbers of waterfowl.

Wildcat Creek at Brownsville attracted 9 Killdeer, 15
Ring-billed Gulls, and numerous Canada Geese.

Fred Lesher, LaCrosse

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