[mou] FW: Survey Assistants Needed

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Tue, 09 Mar 2004 16:27:56 -0800

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From: "Rick Horton" <rgshort@uslink.net>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2004 15:51:13 -0600
To: "Jackie Lind" <jackie.lind@dnr.state.mn.us>, <neunwtf@aol.com>,
<RBJanssen@aol.com>, <gthompson@audubon.org>, <scmort@blackduck.net>,
<bosstom@Comcast.net>, <holtz@csp.edu>, <jgreen@d.umn.edu>, "Bonita Eliason"
<bonita.eliason@dnr.state.mn.us>, "Brian Stenquist"
<brian.stenquist@dnr.state.mn.us>, "Carrol Henderson"
<Carrol.Henderson@dnr.state.mn.us>, "Ed Boggess"
<Ed.Boggess@dnr.state.mn.us>, "Emmett Mullin"
<emmett.mullin@dnr.state.mn.us>, "Gary Drotts"
<GARY.DROTTS@dnr.state.mn.us>, "Jeanine Vorland"
<jeanine.vorland@dnr.state.mn.us>, "Joan Galli"
<Joan.Galli@dnr.state.mn.us>, "Katie Haws" <katie.haws@dnr.state.mn.us>,
"Lee Pfannmuller" <lee.pfannmuller@dnr.state.mn.us>, "Lisa Gelvin-Innvaer"
<lisa.gelvin-innvaer@dnr.state.mn.us>, "Lloyd Knudson"
<lloyd.knudson@dnr.state.mn.us>, "Maya Hamady"
<maya.hamady@dnr.state.mn.us>, "Nancy Dietz" <nancy.dietz@dnr.state.mn.us>,
"Steve Stucker" <steve.stucker@dnr.state.mn.us>, <kristel.bakker@dsu.edu>,
<rpederson@ducks.org>, <eperry@duluth.com>, <awilliamson@fs.fed.us>,
<mshedd@fs.fed.us>, <probertsen@fs.fed.us>, <Diane_Granfors@fws.gov>,
<jeanne_holler@fws.gov>, <jim_mattson@fws.gov>, <john.christian@fws.gov>,
<michelle_mcdowell@fws.gov>, <Neal_Niemuth@fws.gov>, <rex_johnson@fws.gov>,
<robert_russell@fws.gov>, <sheldon_myerchin@fws.gov>,
<steve_j_lewis@fws.gov>, <steve_wilds@fws.gov>, <tex_hawkins@fws.gov>,
<mark.oja@mn.usda.gov>, <merle.behrens@mn.usda.gov>, <cmiller@mnland.org>,
<zarxzar@salamander.com>, <mcornett@tnc.org>, <ander199@umn.edu>,
<melinda_knutson@usgs.gov>, <shawn_weick@usgs.gov>
Cc: <two-jays@att.net>, <MMARTELL@audubon.org>, "Jackie Lind"
<jackie.lind@dnr.state.mn.us>, "Jaime Edwards"
<jaime.edwards@dnr.state.mn.us>, "Ray Norrgard"
<ray.norrgard@dnr.state.mn.us>, <Andy.Paulios@dnr.state.wi.us>,
<Barbara_Pardo@fws.gov>, <Tom_Will@fws.gov>, <wayne_brininger@fws.gov>,
<jhanowsk@nrri.umn.edu>, <camiller@umn.edu>, <cuthb001@umn.edu>,
<lanyo001@umn.edu>, "Dan Dessecker" <rgsdess@chibardun.net>
Subject: Survey Assistants Needed

Minnesota Birders - Please help spread the word that we are looking for
field assistants to help with the GWW Atlas Project detailed below.  Please
have prospective assistants contact Cornell at the given number.  Thank you
for your help!

Rick Horton
Ruffed Grouse Society


Survey Golden-winged Warblers for conservation

The Golden-winged Warbler is a priority bird that has drawn much attention
as its population status is currently unknown in Minnesota.  The Cornell Lab
of Ornithology, with support from the Ruffed Grouse Society of Minnesota,
has initiated a citizen-science project called the Golden-winged Warbler
Atlas Project (GOWAP) which engages volunteer birders and professional
biologists to survey and conduct point counts at known and potential
breeding sites of golden-wings throughout their range. The project is
designed to determine the population status and habitat and area
requirements of the Golden-winged and the Blue-winged Warbler, as well as
their hybrids. 

There are two protocols associated with the project. The first is the
Population Survey, similar to a past Lab citizen-science project called the
Cerulean Warbler Atlas Project.  Volunteers will survey known and/or
potential breeding sites (chosen by the participant) to determine numbers of
breeding birds, population status, and general habitat characteristics. The
second is the Hybrid Index protocol. Participants will choose one or more
pages from their state's Delorme Atlas (gazetteer) and conduct a series of
10-minute point counts in suitable golden-wing habitat, using playback and
visual identification to help create a hybrid index map. Participants will
receive a research kit, which includes instructions, data forms, a color
poster of golden-wings, blue-wings, and their hybrids as well as a CD that
will be used in the field for playback and point counts.

Funds are available to pay qualified field assistants in Minnesota who wish
to work extensively on the Hybrid Index protocol. We need both paid and
volunteer participants to begin work in early May. For more information
contact the GOWAP project leader, Sara Barker, at forest_birds@cornell.edu
or (607) 254-2465. You can visit the web site at
http://birds.cornell.edu/gowap. Please let us know how you would like to be
involved in this important conservation endeavor.

Content-type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
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<TITLE>FW: Survey Assistants Needed</TITLE>
<B>From: </B>&quot;Rick Horton&quot; &lt;rgshort@uslink.net&gt;<BR>
<B>Date: </B>Tue, 9 Mar 2004 15:51:13 -0600<BR>
<B>To: </B>&quot;Jackie Lind&quot; &lt;jackie.lind@dnr.state.mn.us&gt;, &lt=
;neunwtf@aol.com&gt;, &lt;RBJanssen@aol.com&gt;, &lt;gthompson@audubon.org&g=
t;, &lt;scmort@blackduck.net&gt;, &lt;bosstom@Comcast.net&gt;, &lt;holtz@csp=
.edu&gt;, &lt;jgreen@d.umn.edu&gt;, &quot;Bonita Eliason&quot; &lt;bonita.el=
iason@dnr.state.mn.us&gt;, &quot;Brian Stenquist&quot; &lt;brian.stenquist@d=
nr.state.mn.us&gt;, &quot;Carrol Henderson&quot; &lt;Carrol.Henderson@dnr.st=
ate.mn.us&gt;, &quot;Ed Boggess&quot; &lt;Ed.Boggess@dnr.state.mn.us&gt;, &q=
uot;Emmett Mullin&quot; &lt;emmett.mullin@dnr.state.mn.us&gt;, &quot;Gary Dr=
otts&quot; &lt;GARY.DROTTS@dnr.state.mn.us&gt;, &quot;Jeanine Vorland&quot; =
&lt;jeanine.vorland@dnr.state.mn.us&gt;, &quot;Joan Galli&quot; &lt;Joan.Gal=
li@dnr.state.mn.us&gt;, &quot;Katie Haws&quot; &lt;katie.haws@dnr.state.mn.u=
s&gt;, &quot;Lee Pfannmuller&quot; &lt;lee.pfannmuller@dnr.state.mn.us&gt;, =
&quot;Lisa Gelvin-Innvaer&quot; &lt;lisa.gelvin-innvaer@dnr.state.mn.us&gt;,=
 &quot;Lloyd Knudson&quot; &lt;lloyd.knudson@dnr.state.mn.us&gt;, &quot;Maya=
 Hamady&quot; &lt;maya.hamady@dnr.state.mn.us&gt;, &quot;Nancy Dietz&quot; &=
lt;nancy.dietz@dnr.state.mn.us&gt;, &quot;Steve Stucker&quot; &lt;steve.stuc=
ker@dnr.state.mn.us&gt;, &lt;kristel.bakker@dsu.edu&gt;, &lt;rpederson@ducks=
.org&gt;, &lt;eperry@duluth.com&gt;, &lt;awilliamson@fs.fed.us&gt;, &lt;mshe=
dd@fs.fed.us&gt;, &lt;probertsen@fs.fed.us&gt;, &lt;Diane_Granfors@fws.gov&g=
t;, &lt;jeanne_holler@fws.gov&gt;, &lt;jim_mattson@fws.gov&gt;, &lt;john.chr=
istian@fws.gov&gt;, &lt;michelle_mcdowell@fws.gov&gt;, &lt;Neal_Niemuth@fws.=
gov&gt;, &lt;rex_johnson@fws.gov&gt;, &lt;robert_russell@fws.gov&gt;, &lt;sh=
eldon_myerchin@fws.gov&gt;, &lt;steve_j_lewis@fws.gov&gt;, &lt;steve_wilds@f=
ws.gov&gt;, &lt;tex_hawkins@fws.gov&gt;, &lt;mark.oja@mn.usda.gov&gt;, &lt;m=
erle.behrens@mn.usda.gov&gt;, &lt;cmiller@mnland.org&gt;, &lt;zarxzar@salama=
nder.com&gt;, &lt;mcornett@tnc.org&gt;, &lt;ander199@umn.edu&gt;, &lt;melind=
a_knutson@usgs.gov&gt;, &lt;shawn_weick@usgs.gov&gt;<BR>
<B>Cc: </B>&lt;two-jays@att.net&gt;, &lt;MMARTELL@audubon.org&gt;, &quot;Ja=
ckie Lind&quot; &lt;jackie.lind@dnr.state.mn.us&gt;, &quot;Jaime Edwards&quo=
t; &lt;jaime.edwards@dnr.state.mn.us&gt;, &quot;Ray Norrgard&quot; &lt;ray.n=
orrgard@dnr.state.mn.us&gt;, &lt;Andy.Paulios@dnr.state.wi.us&gt;, &lt;Barba=
ra_Pardo@fws.gov&gt;, &lt;Tom_Will@fws.gov&gt;, &lt;wayne_brininger@fws.gov&=
gt;, &lt;jhanowsk@nrri.umn.edu&gt;, &lt;camiller@umn.edu&gt;, &lt;cuthb001@u=
mn.edu&gt;, &lt;lanyo001@umn.edu&gt;, &quot;Dan Dessecker&quot; &lt;rgsdess@=
<B>Subject: </B>Survey Assistants Needed<BR>
Minnesota Birders - Please help spread the word that we are looking for fie=
ld assistants to help with the GWW Atlas Project detailed below. &nbsp;Pleas=
e have prospective assistants contact Cornell at the given number. &nbsp;Tha=
nk you for your help!<BR>
<FONT SIZE=3D"2">Rick Horton<BR>
Ruffed Grouse Society<BR>
Survey Golden-winged Warblers for conservation <BR>
The Golden-winged Warbler is a priority bird that has drawn much attention =
as its population status is currently unknown in Minnesota. &nbsp;The Cornel=
l Lab of Ornithology, with support from the Ruffed Grouse Society of Minneso=
ta, has initiated a citizen-science project called the Golden-winged Warbler=
 Atlas Project (GOWAP) which engages volunteer birders and professional biol=
ogists to survey and conduct point counts at known and potential breeding si=
tes of golden-wings throughout their range. The project is designed to deter=
mine the population status and habitat and area requirements of the Golden-w=
inged and the Blue-winged Warbler, as well as their hybrids. <BR>
There are two protocols associated with the project. The first is the Popul=
ation Survey, similar to a past Lab citizen-science project called the Cerul=
ean Warbler Atlas Project. &nbsp;Volunteers will survey known and/or potenti=
al breeding sites (chosen by the participant) to determine numbers of breedi=
ng birds, population status, and general habitat characteristics. The second=
 is the Hybrid Index protocol. Participants will choose one or more pages fr=
om their state's Delorme Atlas (gazetteer) and conduct a series of 10-minute=
 point counts in suitable golden-wing habitat, using playback and visual ide=
ntification to help create a hybrid index map. Participants will receive a r=
esearch kit, which includes instructions, data forms, a color poster of gold=
en-wings, blue-wings, and their hybrids as well as a CD that will be used in=
 the field for playback and point counts. <BR>
Funds are available to pay qualified field assistants in Minnesota who wish=
 to work extensively on the Hybrid Index protocol. We need both paid and vol=
unteer participants to begin work in early May. For more information contact=
 the GOWAP project leader, Sara Barker, at forest_birds@cornell.edu or (607)=
 254-2465. You can visit the web site at <B>http://birds.cornell.edu/gowap.<=
/B> Please let us know how you would like to be involved in this important c=
onservation endeavor.<BR>
