[mou] albino hawk

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Thu, 18 Mar 2004 16:58:39 -0800

forward by Jim Williams at Ric's request.

A very strikingly beautiful albino hawk was observed in Houston Co. 2 miles
east of Eitzen, and 150 yards north of Highway A11 at around 2:15 P.M.
today, March 18th. At first I thought this perched bird was a Snowy Owl. But
when I pulled off the highway and put my 10 power Nikon Venturer bins on it
I immediately saw that it was a hawk. The snow white plumage was extremely
bright in the sunlight. And this bird was entirely white with the exception
of a very pale tan to whitish tail, and 3 small brown spots on the left
wing. (I could not see the right side of the bird from my vantage point.)
Another feature that jumped out at me was a distinct pinkish cast to the
lores and beak area. The size and posture of the specimen made me
immediately think of a Red-tailed Hawk. Unfortunately I did not have my
scope or a digital camera with me. The bird was alertly looking for prey
beneath the tree that it was perched in. I could not see the typical yellow
beak/lores that one would expect for a Red-tailed Hawk, only the distinct
pinkish coloration around the face area.
This was the most strikingly colored hawk I have seen since I began birding
in March of 1966. If anyone refinds this hawk, or sees a hawk of similar
coloration, I would appreciate hearing about it.
Good birding to all,
Ric Zarwell
Important Bird Areas (IBA) Coordinator
Audubon Iowa
P.O. Box 299
Lansing, Iowa 52151
Iowa IBA Website:
Mission: "To bring MORE people to nature through birding;
and especially, to move MORE birders to effective conservation action."
SHOW UP.... SPEAK UP.... ANTE UP.... For Birds and Habitats