[mou] Bell Museum program

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Thu, 18 Mar 2004 20:15:38 -0800

Program info provided by Gordon Murdock, Bell Museum.


Rediscovering and Restoring the North American Prairie
Slide Lecture with Stephen Jones
Thursday, April 1, 7 p.m.
Bell Museum Members $5, nonmembers $7
Bell Museum of Natural History
17th and University Aves. S. E., Minneapolis
Information: 612-624-9050

Enjoy the sights and sounds of the prairie, including profiles of
prairie preserves and restorations from Colorado to Minnesota to Illinois
and to Texas.

Stephen Jones and Ruth Carol Cushman are co-authors of the new Peterson
Field Guides, The North American Prairie: field guide to the plants,
wildlife, and natural history of the prairie, including where to hike and
camp.  Published by Houghton Mifflin.

Steve Jones will discuss the status of North American prairies and their
ecology. Prairies have been largely destroyed in the past 100 years and
there is growing public interest in their restoration. He will profile
prairie preserves from Canada to the Midwest including Minnesota. Ruth Caro=
Cushman, co-author of the book, will join Steve Jones in discussion and
answering questions.  Signed copies of the books will be available for

The prairie holds a mythic place in North America=B9s history and sense of
itself. During a period of less than 100 years, most of this magnificent
ecosystem was destroyed. Only recently have many people come to appreciate
the unique ecology of the prairie. While researching their new prairie
guidebook, Steve Jones and Ruth Carol Cushman encountered a growing wave of
interest in preserving and restoring native grasslands. They also became
acquainted with dozens of magical places, such as Alberta's Writing on Ston=
Provincial Park, Nebraska's Niobrara Valley Preserve, Kansas's Konza
Prairie, and Minnesota's Wallace C. Dayton Conservation and Wildlife Area.

Steve Jones is a teacher, naturalist, and environmental consultant.
His recent book, The Last Prairie, a Sandhills Journal,
celebrates the beauty and spirit of one of North America's last wild

Ruth Carol Cushman, has contributed more than 40 natural history articles t=
national magazines and traveled widely in North America gathering
information and photographs for the Peterson prairie guide.