[mou] Red Wing to Kellogg

Kelly Larson larson@redwing.net
Sun, 21 Mar 2004 18:45:18 -0600

    I escaped the confines of the shop today to attend the National
Eagle Center's Thirteenth Annual Soar With the Eagles Brunch. Guest
speaker, National Geographic Cinematographer, Neil Rettig and Cal the
Harpy Eagle were wonderful. How does he hold that bird on his arm for an
    Took a leisurely birdy way back home.
Kellogg/Weaver Dunes: 100's of Canada Geese & Mallards in some wetland
areas. One lone Killdeer.
Frontenac, Wells Creek Bridge: One Coot, many Canada Geese.
Frontenac, Beach: 6 Hooded Merganser, 18 Bald Eagles. The first barge
went through frozen Lake Pepin several days ago tearing through 16" of
ice much of the way. The jagged path it left down the middle of the lake
has opened up new hunting/scavanging opportunities for the Eagles. They
are lined up along the edge of the path on both sides forming a
Frontenac, Park Prairie Land: Observed a raptor I think was a
Rough-legged Hawk hunting the open prairie. Hawking back and forth, slow
and low. Black tips on undersides of wings, very pale underparts and
tail. Dropped down for a kill and I lost him.
Frontenac, Pond: One lonely Red-winged Blackbird singing away.
Red Wing, Barn Bluff: 3 Turkey Vulture
Red Wing, Colville Park: 8 Lesser Scaup, 2 Common Merganser, 4 Common
Goldeneye, 16 Great Blue Heron in Bill's Bay!
Red Wing, Wild Life League Marsh: 10 Northern Shoveler, 30 Mallards, 14
Canada Geese, 25 Bald Eagles-11 of these Eagles were waiting or fighting
for a turn at what must have been a deer carcass. The body was hidden
from view by cattail mounds and Muskrat mud piles.

Kelly Larson
Feathered Friend Wild Bird Store
3rd Annual Great River Birding Festival
2nd Annual Great River Morel Festival
2nd Annual Great River Eagle Spot Festival
Red Wing, MN

The 3rd Annual Great River Birding Festival Is Coming...
Hosted by Wabasha, MN on May 14-15-16 2004.

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