[mou] Mute Swans on St Croix (was: Brant)

lnygren@pol.net lnygren@pol.net
Mon, 22 Mar 2004 14:56:27 -0500 (EST)

I saw two mute swans yesterday afternoon among the 40 ish swans on the St
Croix, from a little park in downtown Hudson. From I-94 take you would
take exit 1, then north which takes you down Main St through downtown
Hudson, then go west a block or so to the waterfront area where there is a
little park and a pavillion area. Hope that is specific enough. Most of
the swans appeared to be trumpeters, and I was surprised how many had
yellow or red neck bands.

Earlier in the morning while driving west across the Hudson I-94 bridge, I
had seen 4 adult bald eagles just sitting on the ice near the shore near
the marina area, very close to the bridge. When I went back later, those
eagles were gone, but I did see one sitting on the ice on the MN side
across from the park in Hudson. -Linda

> Hello,
> I was wondering if I could get some precise directions for the brant
> being seen in Stearns County.  I was also wondering if the mute swans
> were still being seen on the St. Croix and if I could get directions to
> them also.
> Thanks
> Josh Watson
> Grand Marais