[mou] American Golden Plover

Dennis/Barbara Martin dbmartin@skypoint.com
Wed, 24 Mar 2004 19:12:34 -0600

Found a American Golden Plover on the marsh 1 mile west of Montrose on State
Highway 12 today.  This is a bit early (according to Janssen ties second
earliest date) and the plumage confused me for awhile.  The bird looked a
lot more like a European Golden Plover if you were to go by the Sibley guide
alone.  Since the likelihood of a european here in Minnesota borders on the
impossible I am sure that it was an American Golden Plover but the plumage
is not something that I am used to.

Also present was a yellowlegs(not studied as to species) and 50 or so
Killdear.  This marsh has a lot of mud showing and if we don't get rain will
be very good for spring shorebirds.

By the way I tend to agree with Mike H.  Scary thought!  There are so few
messaages on this listserve now that is almost hard to call it a listserve.

Dennis Martin