[mou] Thoughts

Terence Brashear birdnird@yahoo.com
Thu, 25 Mar 2004 13:43:24 -0800 (PST)

Hi Folks

Paul Budde, Dave Cahlander, Tony Hertzel, and I
volunteer our time trying to keep the topics on the
list within guidlines that everyone subscribed has
basically agreed to since the post here.

I posted a message that was in no way meant to offend
anyone, and I hear now that I am perceived as having a
"checklist mentality", being one of the "old boy
network elitist birders", That there is a "elitist
attitude displayed by certain MOU factions", and
people were "angry" when they read my post.

It is apparently clear that we need to take another
look at the guidelines, we are looking at that as we

I'm just a guy who likes birds - it's been that way
since I was five - nothing more nothing less.


Terry Brashear

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