[mou] Heard Birds

Sharon Stiteler sharonks@mn.rr.com
Fri, 26 Mar 2004 07:09:10 -0600

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There's a whole cult of people there who love and keep starlings as pets.
Here's a link to some sound files of starlings...The one mimicking the
answering machine even does up the static!


Sharon Stiteler
Uptown, Minneapolis

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<TITLE>Re: [mou] Heard Birds</TITLE>
There's a whole cult of people there who love and keep starlings as pets. &=
nbsp;Here's a link to some sound files of starlings...The one mimicking the =
answering machine even does up the static!<BR>
<FONT FACE=3D"Geneva">http://www.starlingcentral.net/starlingmedia.htm<BR>
-- <BR>
Sharon Stiteler<BR>
Uptown, Minneapolis<BR>
