[mou] messages on MOU-net

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Fri, 26 Mar 2004 14:13:26 -0800

Geez, I leave town for two days to do some birding and miss all the

In brief,

Membership in the MOU is determined by sending a check, not by volunteering
or by any particular level of knowledge about birds.

Volunteering, admirable and to be encouraged, does not give the volunteer a
superior level of membership.

The meaning of <good bird> is in the mind of the beholder.

And if the MOU accepts a person as member I find it hard to imagine not
allowing that member to participate as fully as any other member in all
activities offered by the organization, including this network, at the
participant's level of interest and skill.

Thanks, Mike, for opening this discussion.

Jim Williams