[mou] Westskyline Hawk Count-Update

Bjboreal@aol.com Bjboreal@aol.com
Sun, 28 Mar 2004 21:13:21 EST

Westskyline Hawkwatch, Duluth, MN.

Flight continues at the WSHC.=20

The 26th saw a nice flight of 132 raptors, mainly Bald eagles, but the day=20
was highlighted with a male Kestrel and an adult Red-shouldered Hawk (rare=20

There was no count on the 27th with dense fog and freezing drizzle in am.=20

Today's flight was short and brief, but explosive. Fog and rain kept us from=
counting until 11:30 when the rain quit and the fog lifted. Then came=20
south-southwest winds 10-20mph. From 11:30-2:00 we counted 216 raptors mostl=
y low, eye=20
or below eye level giving us spectacular looks at most of the raptors. The=20
count is as follows: Turkey Vulture-1 (first), Bald Eagle-175, Northern=20
Harrier-1, Sharp-shinned Hawk-5, Copper's Hawk-1, Red-tailed Hawk-31 includi=
ng an=20
adult Krider's, and Rough-legged Hawk-2.=20
Other migrant noted today was a Killdeer, few flocks of Redpolls, 100 or so=20
Canada Geese. There were also more of migrant around in numbers like grackle=
Robins, junco's and Red-winged Blackbirds.

Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in the hawkwatch and=20

need any information.


  February 23-March 28 YTD Total

  Turkey Vulture-1


  Bald Eagle-2117

  Northern Harrier-2

  Sharp-shinned Hawk-13

  Cooper's Hawk-4

  Northern Goshawk-13

  Red-shouldered Hawk-1

  Broad-winged Hawk-0

  Red-tailed Hawk-94

  Swainson's Hawk-0  =20

  Rough-legged Hawk-17

  Golden Eagle-81

  Am. Kestrel-1






   Submitted by:

            Frank Nicoletti and Dave Carman

            Duluth, Minnesota


   Hawk Watch Site: West Skyline Hawk Count

   Location: West Skyline Parkway, Duluth, Minnesota 55804

   GPS: Lat. N 46=E2=88=9E50'48.0" and Long. W 92=E2=88=9E01'53.5"

   Coverage: Late Feb - Late May