[mou] Guidelines

Marklarose@aol.com Marklarose@aol.com
Wed, 31 Mar 2004 14:31:29 EST

    I am certainly not one of the elite birders in the state but would like 
to weigh in with a bit of a different opinion.
    As you can see by the fact that I am just now writing about 7 or 8 day 
old posts, I don't get to check e-mail at home as often as I would like. I 
previously subscribed to both MOU-Net and MNBird but dropped the latter because it 
was too overwhelming. I can live vicariously through MOU-Net without getting 
so many posts that I could never get through them. And its more enlightening 
for me to read about the unusual than the wonderful everyday birds I get to see 
in my 30 second view of the feeders outside. I don't want to offend ANYONE, 
but I am one of the beginning/intermediate birders who likes the current format 
for MOU-Net very much.
    In the meantime, enjoy the spring spectacle for me! ;-)

Mark LaRose