[mou] Chipping Sparrows

Anthony X. Hertzel axhertzel@sihope.com
Wed, 31 Mar 2004 14:04:14 -0600

Each March I receive a few reports of Chipping Sparrow being heard in 
Minnesota. I think there is good reason to question heard-only birds.

The table below represents currently accepted earliest arrival dates 
for Chipping Sparrow in Minnesota.


Chipping Sparrow, Spring Arrival Dates, Minnesota

	1st Earliest Date  10 March
	2nd Earliest Date  15 March
	3rd Earliest Date  16 March

	   Median Arrival  26 March

Chipping Sparrow, Spring Arrival Dates, Iowa

	1st Earliest Date  26 March
	2nd Earliest Date  26 March
	3rd Earliest Date  27 March


I see a problem with the disparity of early arrival dates between 
Minnesota and Iowa. Note that Iowa's record early arrival dates match 
Minnesota's median arrival dates. Also of importance is the fact that 
the Iowa dates are for southern Iowa. Typical arrival times in the 
northern parts of the state are early to mid April.

Chipping Sparrows and Dark-eyed Juncos can have virtually 
indistinguishable songs. It seems to me that any Chipping Sparrow 
identified in March by voice is more likely to have been a junco. I 
am beginning to believe that the species does not arrive in Minnesota 
before early April, or if it does, it is an exceptional occurrence.

While this is being explored, I will only accept sight-identified 
birds for inclusion on the state RBA during the month of March. All 
other reports should be documented and the documentation sent to the 
MOU Records Committee for consideration.

Anthony X. Hertzel -- axhertzel@sihope.com