[mou] Tundra Swans, waterfowl, Mississippi R., Pools 8 & 9

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Wed, 10 Nov 2004 18:12:58 -0800 (PST)

Tundra Swans: Pool 8 Brownsville, MN, Stoddard, WI
              6000+/-. Best viewed from Hwy 26
              south of Brownsville near the 
              Shellhorn Bar/Rd. Also from the deck
              further south on Hwy 26.

              Pool 9 Red Rock Rd./Wexford Creek
              delta (minimum maintenance road) off
              Hwy X52 (Great River Rd.) south of
              Lansing, IA in Allamakee Co. From WI
              try viewing from Hwy 35 between 
              Ferryville & Lynxville, (L. Winneshiek).
              About 1100 swans close to Red Rock. Rd.

Am. White Pelicans: From Shellhorn Bar/Rd. 100+/-

Also at above sites: Wood D., Gadwall (LOTS!), Am.
Wigeon, Am. Black D. (few), Mallards !, No. Shoveler,
No. Pintail, Green-winged Teal (many), Cans, Ring-n.
D. (few), Lesser Scaup (few), Bufflehead, C.
Goldeneye, Hooded Merg. And more. Still looking for

MN only birders: Wildcat Landing from Hwy 26 just
south of Brownsville: Killdeer--5, Wilson's Snipe--23

IA only birders: Three very active feeders south end
of Red Rock Rd. "The Hills", mail box 1160, and
mailbox # 1156. Dozens of Am. Goldfinch, one only
Tufted Titmouse. Promising winter feeders if 

Fred Lesher, LaCrosse, WI

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