[mou] Comin' to SEE OWLS

SFbirdclub@aol.com SFbirdclub@aol.com
Sun, 14 Nov 2004 11:51:45 EST

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I will be heading up to Dulutrh--Sax/Zim (or wherever else I'm directed) to 
find owls (Boreal esp.) and other boreal birds and creatures (I assume 
butterflies of the northern bogs are a bit past).

Any suggestions of meeting places or others out and about?

Also, even though I can pretty much set my own schedule, I would like to work 
a bit there.

I'm a travel/food writer. Is there any small cafe or local legend that I 
should know about? Like the Coffey Haus in Luverne? I tend to not seek out 
Signature restaurants in areas not known to me.

Thanks to all.

Doug Chapman
Sioux Falls, SD

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<HTML><FONT FACE=3Darial,helvetica><HTML><FONT COLOR=3D"#000000" FACE=3D"Gen=
I will be heading up to Dulutrh--Sax/Zim (or wherever else I'm directed) to=20=
find owls (Boreal esp.) and other boreal birds and creatures (I assume butte=
rflies of the northern bogs are a bit past).<BR>
Any suggestions of meeting places or others out and about?<BR>
Also, even though I can pretty much set my own schedule, I would like to wor=
k a bit there.<BR>
I'm a travel/food writer. Is there any small cafe or local legend that I sho=
uld know about? Like the Coffey Haus in Luverne? I tend to not seek out Sign=
ature restaurants in areas not known to me.<BR>
Thanks to all.<BR>
Doug Chapman<BR>
Sioux Falls, SD</FONT><FONT COLOR=3D"#000000" FACE=3D"Geneva" FAMILY=3D"SANS=
