[mou] More Northern Hawk Owls

Hagsela@aol.com Hagsela@aol.com
Mon, 15 Nov 2004 01:41:34 EST

Thanks to an assist from Ben Yokel and Karen Sussman, I found some of the 
Northern Hawk Owls reported by Ben earlier.  I will only add to the Saint Louis 
Cty, Sax-Zim list a second Northern Hawk Owl on McDavitt.  One was in the yard 
of the 1st farm house to the north of the RR tracks.

I also saw two Hawk Owls in Aitkin Cty. that no one has yet reported.  Both 
were on the north side of Hwy. 200, one .4 miles east of mile marker 199 and 
the other .6 miles east of mile marker 184.

I also saw a Savannah Sparrow on SL Cty. 319, lots of Rough-legged Hawks, one 
Northern Shrike and one Pine Grosbeak - all in the Sax-Zim area.

Linda Sparling
Hennepin County