[mou] Scoter stuff/Gull stuff

Dedrick Benz benzdedrick@hotmail.com
Tue, 16 Nov 2004 17:58:26 +0000

The Surf Scoter first found on Saturday in Winona, has been seen again 
Sunday and Tuesday in the same location, ie several hundred yards downriver 
from Verchota Landing on Prairie Island Road.  It still is hanging with a 
flock of coots, often acting aggressively towards them.  The water in this 
area I believe is relatively shallow, and the Scoter is not taking long 
dives.  It is probably feeding on Zebra Mussels which plague this area.

I would like to see Chris Wood's photos of the 1W Lesser Black-backed Gull 
in Knife River.  It would be nice to see them side by side with the Herring 
Gull photos, maybe on the "Recently Seen" page of the MOU website.  I always 
learn a ton from these missed IDs.

Dedrick Benz
Winona, MN