[mou] Sax-Zim bird locations: An Ultra-Geeky Approach

Jim Barrett jwbarrett10@msn.com
Sun, 21 Nov 2004 20:45:25 -0600

Disclaimer:  Yes, I am a tech nerd.  Sorry, I can't help it.  I'm a product
of evolution and the times I live in.

There, that's off my chest.  Now, regarding locations of birds in Sax-Zim.
Many folks from outside the Duluth area are doubtless visiting the bog
looking for northern owls.  Hopefully, you have all purchased Kim Eckert's
guide to MN birding (no? shame!)

But, here's another approach:  Many of you may have GPS units, and what
easier way to record the location of a bird than to set a waypoint?   Think
of it as Avian Geocaching ( www.geocaching.com )

And so, for the GPS-enabled, here are a couple locations for today's birds
(I'll bare my chest here and confess that I didn't see all that many owls
today [umm...three, exactly], along w/ a few other spp.  The purpose here,
though, is to throw out an idea.

Here goes (note: you can either put these coordinates into your GPS, or you
can send an e-mail to me to obtain either a *.loc or *.gpx file to
facilitate uploading the coord's to your GPS unit).  All readings are WGS84

Hawk Owls:
     47° 10.127N   092°  35.963W
     47° 06.985N   092°  35.953W

Great Gray Owl
     47°  07.362N  092°  35.970W

Rough-legged Hawk:
      47°  16.659N  092°  36.183W  (Dark phase [Black!])
      47°  12.856N  092°  36.194W  (Dark phase: Same one?)
      47°  08.344N  092°  37.683W (Light phase, being harassed by N. Shrike)

Northern Shrike:
       47° 17.100N  092° 35.917W
       47° 08.344N  092° 37.683W (Harassing RLHA- see above)

Bald Eagle:
       47° 06.985N  092° 35.953W (same as Hawk Owl, above)

Also seen: Many Gray Jays, lots of Ruffed Grouse.

A final note: I'll be out of town over T-day, so if you want the file,
request it NOW.

Good luck to all,

Jim Barrett