[mou] 27 other GGOW and 4 NHOW St Louis Cty

Hawkowls@aol.com Hawkowls@aol.com
Wed, 24 Nov 2004 21:19:52 EST

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    When I saw Jim's subject heading I couldn't believe it. I wondered if we 
happened to do the same route. The GGOWs I saw today were in the Sax-Zim area. 
I have birded the same area the last 3 days, including today. I had only 7 
and 5 GGOWs the last two days. I don't know what happened today, but I had 27. A 
large concentration was along Hwy 47 and on Swan Lake Rd, south of 47. Other 
productive areas have been Melrude and Comstock Lake Rds along with Munger 
Shaw Rd and the side roads off of Munger Shaw. Of note was a GGOW I photographed 
on Melrude Rd yesterday which had approx 5 white greater wing coverts on both 
wings, it was not there today.
    Some of, or at least one of, the NHOWs were previously reprted. The one 
near the town hall on Melrude Rd continues. One on the church steeple on Arkola 
Rd, just west of 53. One where Cranberry and Admiral intersect and one on Hwy 
    If there is someone who is compiling all the owl reports, I have exact 
locations. I am traveling and don't always have internet access, but will get 
back to you as soon as possible.
      Chris Neri

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<DIV>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; When I saw Jim's subject heading I couldn't believe=20=
it. I wondered if we happened to do&nbsp;the same route. The GGOWs I saw tod=
ay were in the Sax-Zim area. I have birded the same area the last 3 days, in=
cluding today. I had only 7 and 5 GGOWs the last two days. I don't know what=
 happened today, but I had 27. A large concentration was along Hwy 47 and on=
 Swan Lake Rd, south of 47.&nbsp;Other productive areas have been Melrude an=
d Comstock Lake Rds along with Munger Shaw Rd and the side roads off of Mung=
er Shaw. Of note was a GGOW&nbsp;I photographed on Melrude Rd yesterday whic=
h had&nbsp;approx 5 white greater wing coverts on both wings, it was not the=
re today.</DIV>
<DIV>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Some of, or at least one of,&nbsp;the NHOWs were pre=
viously reprted. The one near the town hall on Melrude Rd continues. One on=20=
the church steeple on Arkola Rd, just west of 53. One where Cranberry and Ad=
miral intersect and one on Hwy 47.</DIV>
<DIV>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; If there is someone who is compiling all the owl rep=
orts, I have exact locations. I am traveling and don't always have internet=20=
access, but will get back to you as soon as possible.</DIV>
<DIV>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Chris Neri</DIV></BODY></HTML>
