[mou] Owly-Owly-All-In-Free

marimbafan marimbafan@yahoo.com
Wed, 24 Nov 2004 20:54:45 -0800 (PST)

Armed with the e-map provided by Chris Fagyal
(Thanks!!!!) binoculars and camera, my wife and I set
off this afternoon from Duluth to see if we could find
any owls up Sax-Zim way.  Got skunked on the
northbound leg up US Hwy 53, but hit the jackpot as we
traveled southbound down County Road 7, which turned
out to be “Owl Corridor:”

1605 (4:05pm) - Northern Hawk Owl perched on phone
line along the east side of CR 7 at DM&IR MP 51, about
2.2 miles north of Sax Road (CR 28)

1610 – Northern Hawk Owl 0.5 miles further south on
same phone line along east side of CR 7

1625 – Northern Hawk Owl 5.5 miles south of first
sighting, west side of CR 7 atop a DM&IR utility pole

1625 - Great Gray Owl, 0.1 mile further south, west
side of CR 7 perched atop a small conifer

1630 – Northern Hawk Owl, 1 mile north of DM&IR South
Kelsey switch, west side of CR 7 perched on DM&IR
utility pole

1630 – Northern Hawk Owl, 0.5 mile south of DM&IR
South Kelsey switch, east side of CR 7 perched on
telephone line

1632 – Great Gray Owl at Meadowlands Township sign,
east side of CR 7, perched on low snag

1634 – Great Gray Owl 0.5 mile north of CR 232, west
side of CR 7, perched on DM&IR utility pole.

1635 – Great Gray Owl, 0.6 mile north of CR 232, east
side of CR 7, spooked from grass as we drove past and
flew southbound 

1640 – Northern Hawk Owl, CR 7 at CR 232, west side of
CR 7

1645 – Northern Hawk Owl, 7 miles south of CR 133

Final counts:  7 Northern Hawk Owls and 4 Great Grays

Quite exciting as this is our first encounter ever
with these owls.  Too dark (or too far) for any
photos....  Our thanks to all of the listserve members
who have been reporting their sightings of these
remarkable birds!

Tim Stratton
Suzanne Wasilczuk

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