[mou] more owls

Paul E. Wicklund wickl002@tc.umn.edu
Thu, 25 Nov 2004 01:02:08 -0600

We made a quick trip along Forest Highway 11 on our way from the North
Shore returning to the Twin Cities this afternoon(Wednesday). At 12:45
p.m., we saw a great gray in the trees along the roadside of Lake County
Road 4, .9 mi. east of the intersection of County road 4 and County Road
15(Forest 11). It was actively hunting.
 At 1:30, we saw a Northern Hawk Owl being harassed by several pine
grosbeaks at Petrel Creek and Forest 11.
The second hawk owl we saw was 2.6 miles east of Reservoir Road (#618) .

Jan Wicklund