[mou] A visit by a Great Gray Owl

Howard Weinberg hjw_forest@yahoo.com
Fri, 26 Nov 2004 07:38:42 -0800 (PST)

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I came home from a morning combination trip of hiking with the dogs, looking at several Great Gray Owls, and just enjoying the morning yesterday, when a Great Gray Owl flew to a snag right outside my back window, maybe 25 feet from the house.  (I live not too far from Hawk Ridge). I couldn't believe it.  The short story is that i watched him for a little over an hour (burning my lunch that i had started in the process).  Just before he left, he coughed up a pellet (which i later retrieved).  It was just amazing to watch him.  I think "casual elegance" sums up this bird.  To anthropomorphize for a second, it seemed that everything he did, he did in a slow, confident manner.  Kind of like the way some real big animals move when they know they are "top dog".  The birds at the feeders, which were 20-25 feet away, did not seem perturbed in the least by his presence and continued to feed.

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<DIV>I came home from a morning combination trip of hiking with the dogs, looking at several Great Gray Owls, and just enjoying the morning yesterday, when a Great Gray Owl flew to a snag right outside my back window, maybe 25 feet from the house.&nbsp; (I live not too far from Hawk Ridge). I couldn't believe it.&nbsp; The short story is that i watched him for a little over an hour (burning my lunch that i had started in the process).&nbsp; Just before he left, he coughed up a pellet (which i later retrieved).&nbsp; It was just amazing to watch him.&nbsp; I think "casual elegance" sums up this bird.&nbsp; To anthropomorphize for a second,&nbsp;it seemed that everything he did, he did in a&nbsp;slow, confident manner.&nbsp; Kind of like the way some real big animals move when they know they are "top dog".&nbsp; The birds at the feeders, which were 20-25 feet away,&nbsp;did not seem perturbed in the least by his presence and continued to&nbsp;feed.</DIV>
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