[mou] A visiting GGO: part II

Howard Weinberg hjw_forest@yahoo.com
Tue, 30 Nov 2004 05:34:51 -0800 (PST)

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There was a Great Gray Owl at my house again this morning.  It was a brief, but beautiful sighting.  It was about 6:45 maybe and i was out letting the dogs run around.  The sun had just started to think about rising, but still had a long way to go.  It was a nice sunrise.  There was that burnt orange horizon layer of predawn and lots of night sky above it.  Anyway, i was watching Tassi, my lab-mix retreiving a ball when i saw the silhoutte of the owl cross through the burnt orange part of the sky.  That moment sure was pretty.  The owl perched in a nearby tree, and blended into the darkness, so i didn't see him anymore.  Maybe this is the same one that visited my yard on Thanksgiving?  Boy, wouldn't that be cool if he hangs around?  Maybe he knows that there are approximately 600 kazillion mice that apparently think my house is their house.

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<DIV>There was a Great Gray Owl at my house again this morning.&nbsp; It was a brief, but beautiful sighting.&nbsp; It was about 6:45 maybe and i was out letting the dogs run around.&nbsp; The sun had just started to think about rising, but still had a long way to go.&nbsp; It was a nice sunrise.&nbsp; There was that burnt orange horizon layer of predawn and lots of night sky above it.&nbsp; Anyway, i was watching Tassi, my lab-mix retreiving a ball when i saw the silhoutte of the owl cross through the burnt orange part of the sky.&nbsp; That moment sure was pretty.&nbsp; The owl perched in a nearby tree, and blended into the darkness, so i didn't see him anymore.&nbsp; Maybe this is the same one that visited my yard on Thanksgiving?&nbsp; Boy, wouldn't that be cool if he hangs around?&nbsp; Maybe he knows that there are approximately 600 kazillion mice that apparently think my house is their house.</DIV>
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