[mou] Quick update from Aitkin County

Warren Nelson wenelson@mlecmn.net
Sun, 03 Oct 2004 20:28:05 -0500

   This past weekend, Bill Stauffer and I birded northern Aitkin County
and found 64 species of birds.  Some of the more interesting findings
include a BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER along the Washburn Lake Forest Road
about 1 & 1/2 miles south of Highway 200.  Washburn Lake Forest Road is
just west of mile marker 182 between Hill City and Jacobson.  Several
BOREAL CHICKADEES at the Rabey tree farm near mile marker 186, also
along Highway 200 between Hill City and Jacobson.  BLACK-BILLED MAGPIES
along township 383 about 2 miles west of county road 5 along the north
side of Gun Lake.   Warren Nelson