[mou] New yard bird (203) and Hawk Owl in St Louis County

Byokel@aol.com Byokel@aol.com
Wed, 6 Oct 2004 07:55:05 EDT

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My sons and I relocated the Northern Hawk Owl on Stone Lake Rd in Zim on 
Tuesday evening;  the bird was 1.5 miles east of Hwy. 7, and was very active.

On Sunday morning we found a Boreal Chickadee in our yard in Melrude -- this 
was bird #203 for our yard list.

Ben Yokel
Cotton, MN

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=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">My sons and I relocated the Norther=
n Hawk Owl on Stone Lake Rd in Zim on Tuesday evening;&nbsp; the bird was 1.=
5 miles east of Hwy. 7, and was very active.<BR>
On Sunday morning we found a Boreal Chickadee in our yard in Melrude -- this=
 was bird #203 for our yard list.<BR>
Ben Yokel<BR>
Cotton, MN</FONT></HTML>
