[mou] scissor-tail & stuff

tpulles tpulles@gbronline.com
Sat, 09 Oct 2004 18:22:26 -0500

Spent Friday & Saturday birding in totally opposite areas of
the state!

It started on Saturday, Oct 9, when my family and I went to
Red Rock Prairie with hopes of Smith's Longspurs.  Struck
out there, but then we went to the previously reported
location for great-tailed grackles around Cty Rd 86 and 730
St in Jackson County (thank you, Carol Schumacher.)  Here
there was a single male GREAT-TAILED GRACKLE and three
females feeding on the ground alongside the farm pond.  We
also checked Spirit Lake for the black-headed gull, but to
no avail.

We drove home, slept, and awoke at 3:30 in the morning on
Sunday, Oct 10.  My dad and I left at 4:00 AM to head to
Duluth (my mom stayed home, but she sure would regret it!). 
We stopped at 40th Ave W around 7:00, and at the NE end,
there were 2 SHORT-EARED OWLS that I was able to flush.  No
scissor-tailed flycatcher, though.

We then went to Park Point, where there was a single
nonbreeding HORNED GREBE.

It was then off to Hawk Ridge, where there were large
single adult NORTHERN GOSHAWK.  The fall colors were really
nice, too.

We returned to 40th Ave, but again, we could not find the

Off to the Sax-Zim Bog, where we failed to find the
previously reported northern hawk-owl.

We then decided to come back to 40th Ave and give it one
more try.  I was sure glad we did!  The SCISSOR-TAILED
FLYCATCHER was very cooperative and allowed me to get really
close and get some great views (and photos) of it.  A very
memorable experience!

We used up a lot of gas, but in my mind, it certainly was
worth it!

Good luck everyone
Keith Pulles, Wright County