[mou] Reno Valley, Houston Co. Oct. 9: Seven sparrow sp.

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Sun, 10 Oct 2004 06:48:18 -0700 (PDT)

High pressure, calm winds & clear skies made for few
raptors at the Reno Microwave tower 10AM-12N. Sat.AM.

Sparrow song attenuated and muted but lovely.

Just downhill from the hairpin curve at the hilltop
Field Sp.--- 5+("singing?")
Savanna Sp.- 1
Fox Sp.------2
Song Sp.-----1
White-thrtd.-30+(very little song)
Harris Sp.---2 ("singing")
White Crnd.--1

Down the valley road south passerines;
E. Phoebe----2
Hermit Thrush--4+
Orange-crnd. Warbler--2

Fred Lesher, LaCrosse, Wis.

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