[mou] Am. Golden Plovers, Clay

Benjamin Fritchman fieldfare21@hotmail.com
Mon, 11 Oct 2004 14:37:16 -0500

This morning I drove around Clay county a bit looking for anything. I did 
happen upon a field covered with American Golden Plovers. I was driving when 
I first saw one near the road. As I put my binoculars up, I realized they 
were everywhere. I counted 102 at one point, but there were probably 
numerous others, because the birds were from 20 feet all the way to the 
other side of the field, so I couldn't make out some of the distant "blobs." 
They were constantly flying around, it was pretty cool seeing so many in one 
place. I know there were some flocks in Duluth, but up here in the NW I 
haven't heard of too many this year.

The field is on CR51 west of Barnesville. The field was one mile east of CR 
11. The birds were mainly in the SE corner of this intersection.
Also there were still a few Cackling Geese at the Barnesville Sewage Ponds. 
Also a quick drive of Felton Prairie didn't produce much.

Ben Fritchman
Now in Fargo, ND

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