[mou] MOU RBA 12 October 2004

Anthony X. Hertzel axhertzel@sihope.com
Tue, 12 Oct 2004 21:09:40 -0500

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"

This is the Minnesota Birding Report for Tuesday, October 12th.

On the 10th, a SPRAGUE'S PIPIT was found at the Red Rock Prairie of 
Cottonwood County, and it was still in the area on the 11th. Park at 
the Nature Conservancy area and walk about half a mile east to the 
fence line, then south for a short distance. Several SMITH'S 
LONGSPURS are also in this area.

A SCISSOR-TAILED FLYCATCHER was found in Duluth over the weekend and 
has been seen on and off at least until Sunday. The bird was seen on 
the top of the chain-link fence that surrounds the small experimental 
impoundment, just across the railroad tracks. Several SHORT-EARED 
OWLS are also being seen here.

The BLACK-HEADED GULL is still being reported from Jackson County at 
the north end of Spirit Lake at the Iowa border. It was reported as 
recently as the 11th.

On the 9th, a TOWNSEND'S SOLITAIRE was discovered along Minnesota 
Point in Duluth. It was seen in the trees east of the farthest 
airport hangar.

A GREAT GRAY OWL was seen on the 7th, hunting in the big power line 
clearing along St. Louis County Road 16, seven and a half miles west 
of state highway 7. 

I also have recent reports of SURF SCOTER on Lake Superior, plus 

This state-wide birding report is brought to you and financially 
supported by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU). The MOU is 
Minnesota's oldest and largest bird club.

The report is composed from observations generously submitted by MOU 
members and other birders throughout the state. You can support this 
weekly update by submitting your bird reports to Anthony Hertzel at 
axhertzel@sihope.com or by calling the hotline directly at 
763-780-8890 and leaving a detailed message.

MOU members receive this report directly on MOU-net, the club's free 
e-mail listservice, which is available to anyone interested. For 
information contact David Cahlander at <david@cahlander.com>.

MOU members receive the organization's quarterly journal "The Loon" 
and the bimonthly magazine, "Minnesota Birding". For membership 
information, send an e-mail message to our membership secretary at 

In cooperation with the Minnesota Office of Tourism, highlights of 
this hotline can be now heard at a toll free number which is 
available to callers outside the Twin Cities area. The number is 

The MOU is pleased to offer this service. Thank you, and good birding.

The next scheduled update of this tape is Thursday, October 21st.

Anthony X. Hertzel -- axhertzel@sihope.com
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<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD W3 HTML//EN">
<html><head><style type="text/css"><!--
blockquote, dl, ul, ol, li { padding-top: 0 ; padding-bottom: 0 }
 --></style><title>MOU RBA 12 October 2004</title></head><body>
<div><font color="#000000">This is the Minnesota Birding Report for<b>
Tuesday, October 12th</b>.<br>
On the 10th, a<b> SPRAGUE'S PIPIT</b> was found at the Red Rock
Prairie of Cottonwood County, and it was still in the area on the
11th. Park at the Nature Conservancy area and walk about half a mile
east to the fence line, then south for a short distance. Several<b>
SMITH'S LONGSPURS</b> are also in this area.<br>
A<b> SCISSOR-TAILED FLYCATCHER</b> was found in Duluth over the
weekend and has been seen on and off at least until Sunday. The bird
was seen on the top of the chain-link fence that surrounds the small
experimental impoundment, just across the railroad tracks. Several<b>
SHORT-EARED OWLS</b> are also being seen here.</font><br>
<font color="#000000"></font></div>
<div><font color="#000000">The<b> BLACK-HEADED GULL</b> is still being
reported from Jackson County at the north end of Spirit Lake at the
Iowa border. It was reported as recently as the 11th.</font></div>
<div><font color="#000000"><br>
On the 9th, a<b> TOWNSEND'S SOLITAIRE</b> was discovered along
Minnesota Point in Duluth. It was seen in the trees east of the
farthest airport hangar.<br>
A<b> GREAT GRAY OWL</b> was seen on the 7th, hunting in the big power
line clearing along St. Louis County Road 16, seven and a half miles
west of state highway 7.&nbsp;<br>
I also have recent reports of<b> SURF SCOTER</b> on Lake Superior,
and<b> LAPLAND LONGSPUR</b>.<br>
This state-wide birding report is brought to you and financially
supported by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU). The MOU is
Minnesota's oldest and largest bird club.<br>
The report is composed from observations generously submitted by MOU
members and other birders throughout the state. You can support this
weekly update by submitting your bird reports to Anthony Hertzel at
axhertzel@sihope.com or by calling the hotline directly at
763-780-8890 and leaving a detailed message.<br>
MOU members receive this report directly on MOU-net, the club's free
e-mail listservice, which is available to anyone interested. For
information contact David Cahlander at
MOU members receive the organization's quarterly journal &quot;The
Loon&quot; and the bimonthly magazine, &quot;Minnesota Birding&quot;.
For membership information, send an e-mail message to our membership
secretary at moumembers@yahoo.com.<br>
In cooperation with the Minnesota Office of Tourism, highlights of
this hotline can be now heard at a toll free number which is available
to callers outside the Twin Cities area. The number is
The MOU is pleased to offer this service. Thank you, and good
<font color="#000000"></font></div>
<div><font color="#000000">The next scheduled update of this tape
is<b> Thursday, October 21st</b>.</font></div>
<div>Anthony X. Hertzel -- axhertzel@sihope.com</div>