[mou] Ross's Goose at Park Point

Strix_varia@comcast.net Strix_varia@comcast.net
Wed, 13 Oct 2004 22:15:33 +0000

I drove to Duluth this morning with a friend of mine, and despite the rainy weather, had a decent day. We spent most of the day at Park Point.

Bird's Seen:
Ross's Goose-Feeding on the soccer fields in amongst a flock of Canadas. I watched this bird for close to fifteen minutes at close range. 
American Golden Plover- Three of them feeding close to the flock of geese.
Brown Creeper
Red Breasted Nuthatch
Palm Warbler
Scaup- I think they were Greater but I didn't get a good enough look.
Juncos and Song Sparrows were abundant.

Good Birding!
Nick Tangen
Burnsville MN